DataSentics Datasentics 30.05.2023

Webinar: SAP to Databricks - What you NEED to know

Our experts will take you through the main benefits of migrating your SAP data and will leave you with an understanding of the following:

  • How to migrate data from SAP BW?
  • Is it worth the effort and does it require specific licenses?
  • How long does a typical data ingestion and migration project take and how many people does it require?
  • How to process data in (near) real time?
  • What are the expected cloud costs and how to calculate them?
  • What is the cost of the DataSentics migration accelerator?
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SAP to Databricks: What you NEED to know

SAP to Databricks: What you NEED to know


Jiri Koutny

Databricks Champion
SAP to Databricks migrations lead
Eviden Europe (an Atos business)

Naresh Sigamani

Senior Principal, Data & Analytics
Eviden US (an Atos business)

Qi Su

SAP Team Lead
Solution Architect

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Key contacts

Jiří Koutný - DataSentics

Jiří Koutný

Senior Databricks Cloud architect

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